A Guided 7th Step Worksheet with Questions for AA, NA & Other 12 Step Programs

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Click the button below to view, print or download the 7th step worksheet. It breaks down step 7, explains why it’s important and includes questions to help guide you or a sponsee through step 7. Scroll down on this page for a preview of what is included in this downloadable or printable worksheet.

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Step 7: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

In the 12-step programstep 7 is centered on humbly seeking the assistance of our Higher Power to eliminate our shortcomings. This step is pivotal in transcending the confines of self-reliance and embracing a more profound spiritual connection, catalyzing genuine personal transformation and lasting recovery.

Understanding Step 7

Step 7, as described in the 12-step programs, marks a pivotal moment in the recovery journey. It signifies an acknowledgment of our human limitations and the sincere wish to transcend them with the assistance of a Higher Power. Rooted in humility, this step calls for a deep sense of surrender. It is about recognizing the repeated failures in combating our flaws alone and seeking help from a power greater than ourselves.

The title itself, “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings,” suggests a deferential approach. This isn’t about forcefully willing away our flaws, but about earnestly asking for guidance and strength. Step 7 elevates the introspection from Step 6 into action, building on the willingness and transitioning into the actual process of self-improvement.

Throughout the recovery journey, we may have grappled with our self-worth, identity, and the weight of our shortcomings. Step 7 guides us through these introspections, nudging us to visualize a life without these limitations and prompting us to forge a stronger bond with our Higher Power. It emphasizes the essence of daily communication and trust in this Higher Power, marking the profound shift from self-reliance to divine guidance.

How to Work Step 7

Embarking on Step 7 requires a combination of reflection, openness, and trust. Begin by sincerely acknowledging and listing down your flaws and shortcomings, being as comprehensive and honest as possible. Recognizing these is the first step toward seeking their removal.

Having visualized a life free from these limitations in the “Understanding Step 7” phase, you now enter a dialogue with your Higher Power. This isn’t a negotiation or plea, but a humble request for guidance and strength. Use the worksheet’s prompt to write a genuine letter to your Higher Power, expressing your readiness to grow and evolve. Remember, it’s not about demanding change but about asking for the strength and guidance to make these changes.

Anticipate potential setbacks. Recovery isn’t linear; it’s a journey with its highs and lows. By identifying situations that might trigger the resurgence of old habits or characteristics, you arm yourself with foreknowledge, better preparing yourself to face and overcome these challenges.

Consistently cultivate gratitude, hope, and maintain strong connections with loved ones. These serve as pillars of support and constant reminders of why the journey is essential. Engage in regular moments of introspection, using meditation or prayer to stay connected with your Higher Power. This helps keep your purpose clear and your will strong.

Lastly, as you traverse through Step 7, remember that while seeking divine guidance is crucial, parallel efforts on your part are equally important. It’s the synergy of your efforts and the guidance from your Higher Power that will lead to a transformative recovery.

Step 7 Questions

How would you feel if you no longer had those characteristics? Would you be happier or would you feel like you have lost part of your identity?

Write a letter to your Higher Power asking for the removal of these traits. Make sure not to bargain or plead, but rather show a readiness to grow.

Do you believe your shortcomings can come back? In what situations is this most likely to occur?

Do you ever lose hope in the process of recovery? When does that occur and why? Can you do anything to avoid it?

What are you most grateful for? Who do you credit with these elements in your life? Do you show enough gratitude?

Do you spend enough time with loved ones? If not, how can you change your habits to change that?

When do you feel most hopeful? How can you bring those situations into your day-to-day life?

What have you lost due to your addiction? Should you try and reintroduce those elements into your life? What would that look like?

If your Higher Power were to remove your defects, what would your life look like? Are your expectations realistic?

Have you ever been truly happy? If so, do you think that happiness can be recaptured?

Have you improved the world around you? If not, how can you? If you have, could you do more? In both cases, think about how you can apply these insights to your life.

How Step 7 Helps Us Recover: The questions encompassed within Step 7, beyond their face value, are strategically formulated to ignite deep introspection and nurture a holistic understanding of one’s existence, both past and potential future. Delving into these queries prompts individuals to dissect their inherent traits, weigh the implications of their shortcomings, and earnestly yearn for an elevated sense of self.

Pondering how one would feel without certain characteristics pushes individuals to evaluate their identity sans the clutches of their flaws. This question nudges them to discern between genuine intrinsic traits and those born out of addiction or destructive habits.

Writing a letter to the Higher Power isn’t merely an act of request; it’s a declaration of acceptance, commitment, and an unwavering will to transform. By refraining from bargaining and showcasing an eagerness to evolve, one fortifies their relationship with their Higher Power.

By mulling over the possibility of shortcomings making a comeback, participants are prodded to develop proactive strategies to prevent such relapses. Recognizing potential triggers and developing mechanisms to combat them is crucial for sustained recovery.

The subsequent questions, which explore gratitude, relationships, hope, and personal impact on the world, serve as potent reminders of one’s capabilities, blessings, and purpose beyond addiction. They emphasize the richness of life’s tapestry and the pivotal role an individual plays in it.

Lastly, pondering on a life where the Higher Power has removed one’s defects allows for visualization of a life of liberation and potential. It presents a goal, an aspirational version of oneself, pushing individuals to work ardently towards it.

In essence, the comprehensive nature of these questions ensures that by the end of Step 7, participants are not just self-aware but are armed with clarity, direction, and a rejuvenated relationship with their Higher Power. This fortifies their recovery journey, providing both purpose and a roadmap.

Read more about step 7.

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