What Does The Term ’12 Step Meeting’ Mean In 12 Step Programs?
The term ’12 Step Meeting’ refers to a gathering of individuals who follow the 12-step programA 12 step program includes 12 steps of recovery to help those struggling with substance addictions or behavioral addictions. The 12 steps are also used in programs dedicated to helping loved ones of addicts. 12 step programs include 12 step meetings where members go to share their experience strengt... More to recover from addiction or other compulsive behaviorsThese are behaviors in engaging in due to a strong urge to do so. Compulsion may be difficult to control but is mostly manageable. If compulsion turns into addiction, the problem becomes more severe. More. These meetings are typically safe and anonymous spaces for people to share their experiences and support one another in their recoveryThe process by which addicts attempt to break the hold a certain substance or behavior has on their lives. This can refer to participation in a wide variety of methods. What they all have in common, is a sense that life is improving and the addict is regaining control. More journey.
The structure of these meetings may vary, but they typically involve a chairperson leading the meeting, reciting the Serenity PrayerThe prayer is: “God, grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference. It is almost universally recited at 12-step meetings and is meant to foster acceptance of the will of the Higher Power and encourage serenity amon... More, and reading literature relevant to the group. The meeting is then opened up to sharing12-step meetings are structured so that member sharing takes up most of the allotted time. It is the bread and butter of the fellowship between members. When sharing, addicts are encouraged to stay on topic and avoid interrupting by engaging in crosstalk. More, during which members are encouraged to share their experiences and struggles, staying on topic and avoiding cross-talk.
Newcomers are often welcomed and may choose to introduce themselves or remain anonymous.
After sharing, the meeting may address fellowshipThis refers to the members of AA and the bonds of support between them. It is this fellowship that allows addicts to share their stories and accept each other in a world that is not always understanding. More business, such as upcoming events or volunteer opportunities. Overall, 12 Step Meetings aim to provide a supportive and non-judgmental environment for individuals seeking recovery from addiction.
Read more about Types of Meetings and What a Beginner Can Expect at a 12 Step Meeting.