Step 4 recommends a “..searching and fearless moral inventoryStep 4 recommends the addict conduct “a searching and fearless moral inventory.” This involves coming to terms with the flaws which preceded addiction and those that came as a result of it. More” of the entire life of the addictAn individual with an unhealthy dependence on a substance or behavior. An individual remains an addict even years into recovery and must therefore remain active in recovery. Read more about drug & alcohol addiction & withdrawal at Withdrawal Info. More. However, the process does not end there. As part of recoveryThe process by which addicts attempt to break the hold a certain substance or behavior has on their lives. This can refer to participation in a wide variety of methods. What they all have in common, is a sense that life is improving and the addict is regaining control. More, it is advisable to hold yourself accountable and examine yourself daily. The 10th step “continue to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong promptly admitted it” is essentially working stepsThe term "12 steps" refers to the core principles of the approach to addiction exemplified by Alcoholics Anonymous and other similar groups. The 12 steps are a set of guidelines designed to help individuals overcome addiction and rebuild their lives. They were created by the founders of Alcoholics A... More 4 through 9 on a daily basis. It consists of a daily inventory or a “spot-check” inventory ensuring that any wrongs that may have been done to another are immediately recognized and dealt with.