12 Steppers Logo

Thank You For Your Donation!

Thank you for donating to 12steppers.org. Your donation will enable us to continue to grow the website.

What we plan to do with donation funds

Content & Labor

While we only work with writers that are familiar with 12 step programs, we do have to pay to have content written and to publish content to the website. Your donation will help us continue to publish new & updated information.

Community Forum

We are looking into rolling out a community-based forum where people can ask questions, discuss current program events and more easily find information that will help them on their road to recovery.


We are looking into different promotional opportunities to allow people to find this information more easily.

Contact us

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us by emailing info@12steppers.org or filling out the form on this page.

With Gratitude,

The 12steppers.org Team

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