Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) Literature: The “White Book”, Step into Action and More
In this piece, we will examine the major literature associated with Sexaholics Anonymous. The focus will be on the foundational “White Book”, which is the major text of the fellowship. The other important literature will also be examined. It is important to note that SA also uses some of the basic AA literature and recommends that members use those resources as well. For a full list of all SA approved literature, see:
The “White Book”
The foundational text of Sexaholics Anonymous is so named because the cover is completely white, with no identifying marks whatsoever. It sets out to apply the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous to the experience of sexaholics. It is divided into three distinct sections:
The Problem.
This section describes what lust addiction is and how it manifests into the peculiar dynamic of sex addiction. It unpacks the process by which the sexaholic tries to find in lust, what is lacking in themselves, leading to ever more disruptive acting out. The result of this, as the book describes, is the addict loses loved ones, careers, and ultimately, themselves.
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) Literature: The “White Book”, Step into Action and More Read More »