The provision of a less dangerous opioidCompounds acting on opioid receptors in the body, whether naturally occurring or synthetic. Their use can lead to the development of crippling physical dependence. Whether used through a prescription for pain management or recreationally, its overuse in the United States has been classified as a nat... to addicts as a substitute for more dangerous ones as a means of reducing withdrawalWhen the body gets acclimatized to some habit-forming substances, there can be adverse consequences when they are not consumed regularly. The unpleasant feelings associated with cessation of consumption are notably severe regarding heroin and alcohol. They can even be fatal without the provision of ... symptoms and cravings. These treatments have been in common use for decades and usually are methadoneA relatively weak and long-lasting opiate. Due to these characteristics, it is used for opioid maintenance therapy, usually as a replacement for heroin. It can also be used for chronic pain management. based.