A strong stimulantThese are drugs that act on the central nervous system, and increase alertness. They are commonly used to treat learning disabilities. Also, some of the most commonly abused drugs fall into this category, including amphetamines, methylphenidates, and dextroamphetamines. More developed initially for medical purposes, but now used primarily as a recreational drugA name for a wide variety of chemical substances capable of altering the function of your mind and body in significant ways. These can include over the counter prescriptions, alcohol, and controlled substances. Most drugs are either physically and/or psychologically habit-forming. More. It is an addictive drug; however, it induces mental rather than physical withdrawalWhen the body gets acclimatized to some habit-forming substances, there can be adverse consequences when they are not consumed regularly. The unpleasant feelings associated with cessation of consumption are notably severe regarding heroin and alcohol. They can even be fatal without the provision of ... More symptoms.