When the body of a user adapts to functioning with the drugA name for a wide variety of chemical substances capable of altering the function of your mind and body in significant ways. These can include over the counter prescriptions, alcohol, and controlled substances. Most drugs are either physically and/or psychologically habit-forming., this can have serious consequences. An ever-larger quantity is needed to feel the same high. It also complicates rehabRehabilitation from addiction to a substance or harmful behavior. The term is often used to refer to in-patient facilities. Rehab usually consists of an intensive course of behavior modification which may include therapy, medication, and oversight. as detoxAn important step in recovery from harmful substances. This is the process of allowing the body to recover from the damage done through overconsumption. When dependence is very heavy, detox should be done under medical professional oversight. is required and withdrawalWhen the body gets acclimatized to some habit-forming substances, there can be adverse consequences when they are not consumed regularly. The unpleasant feelings associated with cessation of consumption are notably severe regarding heroin and alcohol. They can even be fatal without the provision of ... symptoms can be highly uncomfortable.