146 Common Alcoholics Anonymous Slogans, Sayings, Acronyms, Mottos & Quotes
Alcoholics Anonymous has numerous common quotes, sayings, acronyms and slogans that you might hear someone mention or you might hear in a meeting. Depending on where you are in the world and which specific meeting you go to, you may hear some of these AA mottos, slogans, sayings and acronyms more often than in others areas.
We’ve put together a comprehensive list of AA slogans and acronyms below. If you feel we’ve missed any or want to request to add one, please contact us and let us know.
Below are the most common Alcoholics AnonymousThe original 12-step fellowship, formed in 1935, to help alcoholics, regain control over their lives. It remains the largest 12-step organization and has contributed to the sobriety of millions worldwide. Read more about Alcoholics Anonymous More acronyms. The list of common AA sayings is located below the A.A. slogans.
Common Alcoholics Anonymous Slogans, Quotes & Sayings
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Alcoholics Anonymous, often referred to as AA, has a distinct approach to aiding individuals in their sobrietyIn 12-step programs, an individual is sober when they are no longer partaking in the behavior or substance to which they are addicted and living a better life following the program. Both are necessary to achieve sobriety. More journey, prominently featuring a variety of AA sayings and slogans. These AA slogans and sayings are not just phrases; they carry deep meanings, acting as pillars of support and guidance for members. Known for their brevity and impact, the slogans of Alcoholics Anonymous encapsulate the core principles of the programThis refers to any official course of treatment for addiction. This could be anything from in-patient facilities, to 12-step programs to harm-reduction programs. More. This includes the widely recognized AA motto, which serves as a beacon of hope and solidarity.
Additionally, the sayings for AA and AA sayings slogans offer a shared language that fosters a sense of community among members. Understanding these AA slogans and their meanings is crucial for comprehending the ethos of Alcoholics Anonymous. The AA slogan, though simple in wording, carries a profound resonance. Similarly, Alcoholics Anonymous sayings are a testament to the collective wisdom and experiences of its members. In this section, we delve into the nuances and significance of these key elements, exploring how they contribute to the journey of recoveryThe process by which addicts attempt to break the hold a certain substance or behavior has on their lives. This can refer to participation in a wide variety of methods. What they all have in common, is a sense that life is improving and the addict is regaining control. More within the AA framework.
“Instant a–hole”, just add alcohol.
AlcoholAn organic compound used in many products, most notably intoxicating drinks. Alcohol addiction is known as alcoholism. The first 12-step program was devised to deal with that malady. More often amplifies negative aspects of personality, leading to irritability, aggression, or poor judgment. AA teaches emotional control and healthy communication to break this cycle.
90 meetings in 90 days.
Early sobriety needs a strong support system. Like the saying suggests, make 90 meetings in 90 days or 1 meeting per day for your first 90 days in the program.
A desire to stop drinking.
The first crucial step in recovery. AA provides support and guidance for those ready to commit to sobriety.
A drug is a drug (is a drug).
No good or bad categories, just avoid all mind-altering substances.
A meeting is an event where minutes are kept and hours are lost.
Meetings offer more than just timekeeping. They are a place for sharing12-step meetings are structured so that member sharing takes up most of the allotted time. It is the bread and butter of the fellowship between members. When sharing, addicts are encouraged to stay on topic and avoid interrupting by engaging in crosstalk. More experiences, finding strength in fellowshipThis refers to the members of AA and the bonds of support between them. It is this fellowship that allows addicts to share their stories and accept each other in a world that is not always understanding. More, and learning from fellow travelers on the path to recovery.
A newcomer is someone with less than five years sobriety.
Early recoveryThe first and vulnerable stages of recovery from addiction. This can range between the first 90 days and the first year or so into the recovery process. This is a crucial part of the process, where the recovering addict rebuilds their lives in preparation for a life of sobriety. More involves adjusting to a new life without alcohol. AA offers specialized support and guidance for newcomers to navigate this crucial time.
A treatment center is where you go and pay $25,000 to find out that A.A. meetings are free.
While treatmentA blanket term for concentrated efforts to help addicts transition to a healthier life. These can include any of the following (in isolation or combination): therapy, counseling, medication, harm reduction, or moderation. More centers can be helpful, AA’s free community support and shared experiences often prove invaluable for sustained recovery.
A.A. is a school in which we are all learners and all teachers.
Everyone in AA has something to offer and something to learn. Sharing stories, listening with empathy, and offering support create a continuous learning environment for all members.
A.A. is not something you join, it’s a place you finally reach.
Finding AA isn’t just about signing up, it’s about discovering a sense of belonging and acceptanceAccepting an inability to cope with addiction alone, is a major part of the recovery process. The same process involves accepting our flaws, responsibility for our actions, and the need to surrender to a Higher Power. More in a community that understands your struggles.
A.A. is the last stop on the train.
You’ve reached your recovery destination.
Alcoholism is an illness which only a spiritual experience will conquer.
AA recognizes alcoholism as a diseaseSome refer to addiction as a disease, comparing it to physical ailments. There are similarities, as both have a detrimental influence on body and soul and are treatable through medical means. More affecting the mind, body, and spirit. Finding a deeper connection to a higher power12-step programs greatly stress surrender to and daily communication with a Higher Power. Having trust in something greater than yourself is considered essential for returning sanity in the unmanageable life of an addict. This can be a traditional deity, a spiritual entity or a social one such as th… More is often described as essential for lasting recovery.
An alcoholic can’t be grateful and hateful at the same time.
Cultivating gratitudeAddiction is often a product of a sense of incompleteness. The expression of gratitude for the many things in our life can counter that need and improve the lives of the addict immeasurably. Therefore, the cultivation of gratitude is an essential part of the 12-step program. More helps AA members combat resentment and negativity, fostering a more positive and healing mindset.
Any length.
This motto emphasizes the lengths one should go to achieve sobriety. It’s about commitment, action, and overcoming excuses to prioritize recovery above all else.
But for the grace of God.
I wouldn’t be here without a little divine help. (Humility, gratitude, reliance on something bigger than oneself.)
Death is not the worst thing, it’s just the last thing.
AA acknowledges the potential consequences of alcoholism, emphasizing the preciousness of life and encouraging members to seek help before it’s too late.
Death, insanity, or recovery.
This stark phrase highlights the potential outcomes of untreated alcoholism, urging individuals to choose the path of recovery.
Denial is not a river in Egypt.
Facing reality and acknowledging the problem are important first steps in overcoming addiction. AA provides tools and support to break through denial and start the journey towards healing.
Don’t drink even if your ass falls off.
This is a more emphatic way of saying “don’t drink no matter what.” It’s a stark reminder of the potential consequences of drinking and the importance of remaining abstinent, even in challenging situations.
Don’t drink, don’t think and go to meetings.
This suggests focusing on immediate actions to avoid relapseRelapse in the context of 12-step programs refers to the act of reverting to harmful behaviors associated with addiction after a period of recovery. This return to substance use or compulsive behavior disrupts the recovery process and often leads to a resurgence of destructive patterns that the indi… More rather than getting caught up in mental justifications or temptations. It emphasizes practical steps like attending meetings and staying engaged in the recovery community.
Don’t quit 5 minutes before the miracle happens.
Persevering through moments of doubt or temptation is essential in recovery. AA encourages members to never give up hope and trust in the potential for transformation.
Don’t work my program, or your program, work “the program”.
AA has established principles and practices that have proven effective for countless individuals. Putting aside personal agendas and embracing the core program ensures a structured and successful recovery journey.
Easy does it.
This phrase reminds recovering alcoholics to take things slowly and avoid unnecessary pressures. It’s about practicing moderation in all aspects of life, including recovery efforts, and not getting overwhelmed by the process.
Faith chases away fear.
Belief is your strength in the face of doubt.
Faith without works is dead.
Applying principles in action is important for spiritual growth. AA encourages members to put their faith into practice through serviceAA and other 12-step fellowships do not normally have employees. Instead, members volunteer and take roles necessary for the operation of the different groups and the larger infrastructure of the fellowship. Common roles of service include secretary, treasurer, and chairing meetings. More, fellowship, and personal growth efforts.
First things first.
This means prioritizing sobriety at all times. It reminds individuals that everything else secondary to maintaining abstinenceThe act of not partaking in the substance or activity to which a member is addicted. The length of sobriety of addicts is determined following the period of abstinence. More and attending to recovery needs.
God save me from being right.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.
I came, I came to, I came to believe.
This describes the initial step of seeking help, witnessing the positive impact of the program, and ultimately developing faith in its effectiveness.
I can’t handle it God, you take over.
AA encourages surrender and reliance on a higher power for strength and guidance. This act of letting go can bring peace and relief during challenging moments in recovery.
I didn’t get into trouble every time I drank, but every time I got in trouble I was drunk.
This realization exposes the undeniable link between alcohol and negative consequences. It helps individuals recognize the potential harm and choose sobriety.
I don’t always know what’s right, but I always know what’s wrong.
In early recovery, clarity about harmful behaviors emerges even if the exact path forward isn’t always clear. AA provides support and guidance in navigating this uncertain terrain.
If God seems far away, who moved?
This prompts individuals to take responsibility for their own spiritual connection. AA encourages active engagement in spiritual practices and seeking support to strengthen their faith.
If we knew which drink was going to cause “wet brain”, we would stop just before it.
Highlights the unpredictable nature of alcoholism. Every drink is a gamble, even one can lead to devastating consequences.
If ya wonders [if your an alcoholic], then ya is.
Uncertainty about your relationship with alcohol in itself often points to a problem. Trusting your gut and seek rigorous honesty.
If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.
Growth and challenges are inevitable in recovery. Facing difficulties allows you to build resilience and strength.
If you turn it over and don’t let go of it, you will be upside down.
Surrender implies complete trust in a higher power. Holding on to control creates internal conflict and can hinder progress in recovery.
If you want to hide something from an alcoholic, hide it in the Big Book.
AA principles are everywhere, truth can’t be hidden. Alluding to the idea that we’ll look everywhere for an answer before looking in the Big Book.
If you want what we have and your willing to go to any length to get it, then your ready to take certain steps.
Acceptance and full commitment are essential. AA outlines specific actions to guide your journey towards recovery.
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over, and over again, expecting different results.
Breaking the cycle of addiction requires taking a different approach. AA offers new tools and perspectives to achieve lasting sobriety.
It works, it really does!
A testament to the program’s effectiveness for those who jump in with both feet and embrace it wholeheartedly.
It’s a simple program for complicated people.
AA offers clear principles and steps, yet most of us tend to overcomplicate it when it’s not necessary to do so.
It’s easier to stay sober than to get sober.
Once sober, through a strong support system and healthy routines, maintaining sobriety is easier than the initial struggle to achieve it.
Keep an open mind.
Be receptive to new ideas and suggestions. AA encourages flexibility and growth throughout the recovery process.
Keep coming back, it works if you work it.
Consistent participation and dedicated effort are key to reaping the benefits of the program.
Keep it simple.
This encourages recovering alcoholics to avoid overcomplicating things. It suggests focusing on the basic principles of AA and not getting caught up in unnecessary details or distractions.
Let go and let God.
Surrender control and trust in a higher power for strength and guidance. This practice relieves anxiety and fosters acceptance.
Live and let live.
This emphasizes toleranceThe reaction of the body to an increased amount of a controlled substance. When an ever-greater quantity of the substance is necessary to obtain a high, the body has developed a greater tolerance. More and respect for others, especially fellow alcoholics. It encourages focusing on one’s own recovery journey without judging or trying to control others.
Live life on life’s terms.
Accept reality and navigate it soberly.
Newcomers are the lifeblood of the program, but our oldtimers are our arteries.
New individuals bring fresh perspectives and energy, while experienced members provide wisdom and support, ensuring the program’s continued success.
Nothing is so bad a drink won’t make it worse.
Alcohol is ultimately a solution to nothing, it only amplifies existing problems and creates new ones.
One alcoholic talking to another one equals one.
Shared experiences and empathy create a powerful connection in AA. Supporting and learning from each helps us all in our recovery.
One day at a time.
This is a core principle in AA, reminding members not to be overwhelmed by the prospect of lifelong sobriety. It focuses on managing cravings and temptations for just one day at a time, making the process feel more manageable.
One drink is too many, and a thousand not enough.
Moderation is impossible, only complete abstinence works. Through experience, many of us know this saying all too well.
Pain before sobriety and pain before serenity.
Growth often requires temporary discomfort. Facing challenges in early recovery and letting go of old resentments pave the way for lasting peace.
Growth often comes with temporary discomfort. Stay strong and, with the help of God, your sponsor and the group, power through.
Growing hurts sometimes, but with the support or the AA program, you can push through!
Serenity isn’t freedom from the storm; it is peace within the storm.
Life will still have its challenges, but AA helps you find inner calm and acceptance despite external circumstances.
She came thru the back door of A.A.
Al-AnonA group designed for friends and family of alcoholics. Using the 12-step program as adapted to this purpose, it helps affected individuals deal with the consequences of addiction while supporting the addict in their lives. More offers support for loved ones affected by alcoholism. Participating in this program can benefit both the alcoholicAn individual with an unhealthy dependence on alcohol. From the perspective of AA, it is an individual who has lost control over their life due to an inability to stop drinking. More and their family.
Sobriety is a journey, not a destination.
Recovery is a continuous process, requiring ongoing effort and self-discovery.
Stick with the winners.
Surround yourself with people who actively work their program and inspire you to do the same. Stay in middle of the herd!
Surrender to become Victorious.
Letting go of control and embracing the program’s principles leads to true victory over addiction.
Take other people’s inventory until you can take your own.
Learn from others’ mistakes, avoid your own.
The alcoholic knows loneliness such as few do.
Addiction often leads to isolation. AA provides a sense of community, understanding and belonging.
The best A.A.’s are the ones that needed it the worst.
Rock bottom“Hitting rock bottom” – A colloquial phrase referring to a situation wherein an addict has lost much and suffered greatly as a result of their addiction and seek treatment. The idea is that when an addict reaches a place where they have nothing to lose, they realize something must change in their li… More breeds empathy, making the strongest A.A.’s. They inspire hope and show transformation is possible.
The bottle, big house, or the box.
This phrase represents the potential consequences of alcoholism: addiction, incarceration, or death.
Jails. Institutions. Death.
The easier softer way is one thru twelve.
Following the twelve stepsThe term “12 steps” refers to the core principles of the approach to addiction exemplified by Alcoholics Anonymous and other similar groups. The 12 steps are a set of guidelines designed to help individuals overcome addiction and rebuild their lives. They were created by the founders of Alcoholics A… More and program principles simplifies the path to recovery, offering guidance and support.
The elevator is broken…use the steps.
AA doesn’t offer quick fixes, but a structured process through the twelve steps for gradual and lasting recovery.
The longer you stay sober, the better it gets.
Life gradually improves with sustained sobriety, revealing the joys and possibilities that were previously obscured by addiction.
The mind is like a parachute, it works better when it’s open.
Staying open-minded and receptive to new ideas and guidance is crucial for growth in recovery.
The person I was will drink again, and the person I am won’t take the first drink.
Recognizing the past self but focusing on the present self’s strength and commitment to staying sober.
The person with the most sobriety at a meeting is the one who got up earliest that morning.
A light-hearted reminder that consistency and dedication are key and that, in recovery, we only have today.
The price for serenity and sanity is self-sacrifice.
Letting go of self-destructive behaviors and embracing healthy choices leads to inner peace and mental well-being.
The program is to be worked, not fingered.
Active participation and effort are required to reap the benefits of the program.
The program works, are you willing to?
The effectiveness of AA hinges on the individual’s dedication and willingness to apply its principles.
The road to sobriety is a simple journey for confused people with a complicated disease.
Addiction is complex, but the path to recovery is straightforward when guided by the program.
There are no coincidences in A.A.
Many members find meaning and connection in seemingly chance encounters within the program.
There are those too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but many of them do recover if they have the capacity to be honest.
AA recognizes the challenges of co-occurring disorders, encouraging honesty and seeking additional support when needed.
Three most dangerous words for an alcoholic, “I’ve been thinking”.
Over-analyzing or rationalizing can lead to justifying drinking. Trusting the program and taking action is key.
To be of maximum service to others.
Helping others strengthens your own recovery.
To thine own self be true.
Self-awareness and rigorous honesty with oneself are fundamental for progress in recovery.
Today “we” have a choice.
Each day presents a new opportunity to choose sobriety and commit to the program.
Try to be grateful and resentful at the same time, you can’t serve two masters.
Choose gratitude, ditch resentment for lasting peace.
Unity, recovery, and service.
These are the guiding principles of AA.
Unless I accept my virtues, I will be overwhelmed with my faults.
Recognizing and celebrating your strengths alongside addressing your weaknesses fosters a more balanced and positive self-image.
We are without defense against the first drink, our defense must come from a power greater than ourselves.
Recognizing the power of addiction and seeking support from a higher power provides strength to resist the first drink.
We don’t get run over by the train, we get hit by the engine ( or our first drink).
Relapse often starts with a single decision. Awareness of this vulnerability helps prevent it.
We have to give it away to keep it.
Sharing your experience, strength & hope with others strengthens your own sobriety and creates a supportive community.
We have two ears and one mouth, so we should listen more than we speak.
Active listening and learning from others’ experiences enrich your own recovery journey.
We’ll love you, until you learn to love yourself.
Unwavering support, but self-love is the ultimate goal.
When all else fails, follow directions.
Trusting the program’s wisdom and taking prescribed actions offer direction when facing difficulties.
When we couldn’t dominate, control, or manipulate, we would ask for terms and conditions.
Surrender and seeking help are necessary steps to break free from the cycle of addiction.
When we were drunk we didn’t have relationships, we took prisoners and held hostages.
Alcohol disrupts healthy relationships. Sobriety allows for genuine connection and mutual respect.
Willpower. Our willingness to use a Higher Power.
Self-determination and reliance on a higher power work together for successful recovery.
Write a gratitude list and count your blessings.
Focus on the good instead of the bad, find peace and watch your happiness grow.
You can always tell an alcoholic, but you can’t tell him much.
Words matter less than actions in recovery. Our stubborn nature can be the downfall of our recovery.
You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk.
Live by your words, actions speak louder than promises.
You can’t think your way into a new way of living. You have to live your way into a new way of thinking.
Changing behavior and building new habits ultimately lead to a shift in mindset.
You only get out of it what you put into it.
Consistent effort and dedication are essential for reaping the full benefits of the program.
Common Alcoholics Anonymous Acronyms
Jump to AA Slogans & Sayings at the top of the page.
Alcoholics Anonymous, widely known as AA, is characterized not only by its impactful sayings and slogans but also by a variety of acronyms and abbreviations that are commonly used within the community. These Alcoholics Anonymous acronyms serve as shorthand for key concepts and elements of the recovery process, encapsulating complex ideas in a few letters.
The AA acronym is itself a prime example, instantly recognizable and symbolizing the broader scope of the organization’s mission. Alongside these, there are numerous other Alcoholics Anonymous abbreviations that members frequently encounter. This section includes a recovery acronyms list, providing insights into the often-used abbreviations and their meanings, which are integral to understanding the language and culture of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Absolute Abstinence
Adventurers Anonymous
Altered Attitudes
Altruistic Action
Attitude Adjustment
Acceptance, Belief, Change
Ashtrays, Broom, Coffee
Ashtrays, Broom, Chairs
Any Change Toward Improving One’s Nature
A Life Centered On Helping Others Live In Complete Sobriety
Actions Not Our Names Yield Maintenance Of Unity and Service
Ass-Saving Kit
Beware Alcohol, Run
Beware Alcoholic Ruin
B.I.G. B.O.O.K.
Believing In God Beats Our Old Knowledge
Drinking Ends All Dreams
Don’t Even Notice I Am Lying
Don’t Even Think About Changing (Him or Her)
Desperately Using Everything but Sobriety
Easing God Out
Edging God Out
Fearful, Arrogant, Insecure, Lonely, Uncertain, Resentful, Empty
Fear Ain’t In This House
Few Ever Arrive Rejoicing
Failure Expected And Received
False Evidence Appearing Real
False Expectations Appearing Real
Fear Expressed Allows Relief
Feelings Every Alcoholic Rejects
Fighting Ego Against Reality
Forget Everything and Run
F*ck Everything and Run
Face Everything and Recover
Forgetting Everything’s All Right
Frantic Effort to Appear Real
Frantic Efforts to Appear Recovered
Faithful, Involved, Knowledgeable and Experienced
Feeling Insecure, Numb and Empty
Frantic, Insane, Nuts and Egotistical
Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional
Frustrated, Insecure, Neurotic and Emotional
Go Ask Your SponsorAn individual in a 12-step program requires a sponsor to help them work the steps and hold them accountable for their recovery. The sponsor should be readily available when help is needed. A member with a sponsor is considered to be the sponsee. More
God Is Forever There
Good Orderly Direction
Group of Drunks
Get Off Your Ass
God’s Undeniable Truths
Honestly, Actively, Lovingly Tolerant
Hope, Acceptance, Love and Tolerance
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
Horny, Arrogant, Lazy and Tragic
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired and Stupid
H.A.L.T.S. F.E.A.R.
Hope, Acceptance, Love and Tolerance Stops Forgetting that Everything’s All Right
His or Her Ever Loving Presence
Hope, Encouragement, Love and Patience
Happy Our Program Exists
Hearing Other Peoples’ Experience
Hang On! Peace Exists
Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness
Honest, Open-minded and Willing
I, Self, Me
Incredibly Short Memory
InSide Me
I Sabotage Myself
Keep It Simple, Sweetheart
Keeping It Simple, Spiritually
Keep It Simple, Stupid
Keep It Simple, Sugar
Not Using The Steps
Openly Using Recovery
Positive Attitudes Change Everything
Pitiful and Incomprehensible Demoralization
Poor Me Syndrome
Pour More Scotch
People Relying on God Relaying a Message
Real Exciting Love Affair Turns Into Outrageous Nightmare, Sobriety Hangs In Peril
Restless, Irritable and Discontented
Sobriety Loses Its Priority
Son Of A Bitch, Everything’s Real
Sober Person Offering Newcomers Suggestions On Recovery
Solutions To Every Problem in Sobriety
Solutions To Every Problem, Sober
Sicker Than Other People
Things I Must Earn
When I Live Life, I Need God
You’re Eligible Too